Saturday, November 27, 2010

k0Ta LaMa dUy0nG

This entry I want to tell the story of a place I visit today. This place is located in the village of my father which is Pulau Duyong. This place is called Kota Lama Duyong. Kota Lama Duyong, or the Old Duyong Fort, is a heritage building on Pulau Duyong Kecil, Kuala Terengganu.

Front View

Despite its name which is derived from the high walls surrounding it Kota Lama Duyong is not a fort, but rather a residence. It was built in 1920 by Dato Biji Sura, a senior officer working with the Terengganu state government. Dato Biji Sura was the great grandson of Tok Sheikh Duyong, a Muslim scholar who was born in Champa, in southern Vietnam.

Kota Lama Duyong is a unique heritage structure and one of the best preserved of its kind. It is an amalgamation of various architectural styles. The house comprises one Rumah Bujang Berpemeleh, two Rumah Limas Bungkus, a kitchen area, and a toilet area. You will also find that there are four different types of roofs, and these reflect the four different styles of traditional Malay houses in the East Coast.

The roofs of Kota Lama Duyong are that of Bujang Berpemeleh, Limas Bungkus, Bujang Barat and Potongan Belanda. A Cantonese sculptor from Singapore was hired to work on the masonry, arcades, columns and walls, and the result showcases an outpouring of inspiration.

The choice of material used on Kota Lama Duyong reflects an eclectic mix. They include bronze screws, wooden pegs, timber, masonry and tiles.

There are four entrances, for use by different classes of people. The main entrance is reserved for high-ranking officers. Womenfolk as well as relatives use the back entrance. Neighbours and peddlars use the western side entrance, while village folks use the eastern side entrance.

Western & Eastern entrance
Back entrance
Main entrance

Within the house itself, one can observe how the division of space is marked by split levels, walls, and other forms of demarcations, so that there are defined areas for men, women, private chambers, visitors, and kitchen.

The Rumah Tengah, or Middle House, is the private residence of Dato Biji Sura and his wife and small children. Two female servants sleep in the kitchen area. His married children and other relatives occupy the other parts of the house. Some of the decorative elements of the house reflect family traditions that goes back to Champa.

The ancestors of Dato Biji Sura migrated from Champa to Pattani, in present-day Thailand, some time in the late 18th century. They were ethnic Chinese who converted to Islam. When Malay rule of Pattani came to an end in 1808, many Muslims moved south to Kelantan and Terengganu, including the then six-year-old Tok Sheikh Duyong with his father, a Muslim scholar and teacher.

The family settled on Pulau Duyong Kecil, on the estuary of Sungai Terengganu, where Tok Sheikh Duyong's father provided religious teaching. This was followed by Tok Sheikh Duyong, who became such a famous Muslim scholar, that Pulau Duyong Kecil became a centre of Islamic education, and was known as the "Tongue of Terengganu".

Dato Biji Sura followed in the footsteps of his great grandfather Tok Sheikh Duyong. He was involved in both religious as well as administrative matters, and held three prominent positions: as a member of the Council of Ministers, Commissioner for Religious Affairs, and judge of the Syariah Court. He was married four times and fathered a total of 18 children. He died of fever in 1943 during the fasting month of Ramadhan.

After his death, the house slowly descended into disrepair. Various members of his clan took away portions of it until only the Rumah Bujah Berpemeleh was left. It was already in a dilapidated state when the massive flood of 1986 destroyed what was left of it. In the late 1990's, a committee was formed to restore the building. It received the blessing of Dato Biji Sura's descendants to carry out the job.

What we see today is the result of the reconstruction completed in 1999. The rebuilt structure follows as faithfully as is possible the original building structure.

Here I attach some pictures of the Kota Lama Duyong

 Front view

 Side view


Sitting room

Middle House

Back Room


Back Door

 Rear View


Dictionaries have different meanings for this word. But when I think about this word, my mind conjures up images of all kinds of beautiful things that been always associated with this word. Flowers, chocolates, candle light dinners, hearts, soft toys, clothes and perfumes, (I hope I haven’t left anything out!) these are the words that have become synonymous with love…but, what about the feelings and emotions associated with this word! Like what Nat King Cole says in his song L.O.V.E

Love is emotion of strong affection and personal attachment. Love also can be describe as a feeling about something that we like.This is description of love by Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi

A true lover is proved such by his pain of heart;
No sickness is there like sickness of heart.
The lover's ailment is different from all ailments;
Love is the astrolabe of God's mysteries.
A lover may hanker after this love or that love,
But at the last he is drawn to the KING of love.
However much we describe and explain love,
When we fall in love we are ashamed of our words.
Explanation by the tongue makes most things clear,
But love unexplained is clearer.
When pen hasted to write,
On reaching the subject of love it split in twain.
When the discourse touched on the matter of love,
Pen was broken and paper torn.
In explaining it Reason sticks fast, as an ass in mire;
Naught but Love itself can explain love and lovers!
None but the sun can display the sun,
If you would see it displayed, turn not away from it.
Shadows, indeed, may indicate the sun's presence,
But only the sun displays the light of life.
Shadows induce slumber, like evening talks,
But when the sun arises the "moon is split asunder."
In the world there is naught so wondrous as the sun,
But the Sun of the soul sets not and has no yesterday.
Though the material sun is unique and single,
We can conceive similar suns like to it.
But the Sun of the soul, beyond this firmament,
No like thereof is seen in concrete or abstract.
Where is there room in conception for His essence,
So that similitudes of HIM should be conceivable?


Arini aku nk cerita pasal salah satu hobi and kegemaranku. Benda tu adalah memasak.haha. Ak ni jenis yg suka mencoba. Dan oleh kerana ak ni minat dalam masak-memasak ni, so ak gunalah kretiviti ak ni mencoba memasak masakan yang ak xpenah masak. Kata orang belum cuba belum tau kn. Kebetulan plak time cuti semester nih ak diberikan mandat oleh ayahku utk mengelola "rumahku syurgaku". hahaha... Dah nama mengelola msti la ada bahagian cucian, mengemas dan masakan.

Bahagian mengemas tuh ak serah kt adek ak. Ak akan mengelola bahagian cucian dan masakan. Jd utk memuaskan ati semua org dan mengelakkan dorang jemu, ak kenalah memasak masakan yg berlainan tiap2 ari.uhuhu. Ak ni bukanlah pandai sgt pon memasak nih sebenarnya. Ak hanya boley masak masakan kegemaran yg simple2 jer. Lau masakan yg complex2 seperti rendang, masak lomak, dan sebagai tu susah sket. Tp lau dgn bimbingan akak ak mgkin boley. Ak ni jenis yg cepat belajar. Just tell me what the ingredient and how to cook, insyaAllah i can do it. Its not delicious like what had been cook by chef, from restaurant or people who really know about cooking but hopefully it can be eat. (english broken haha)

Ak bercita-cita nk buka kedai mkn in future. Lepas grad nanti ak nk amik kursus memasak. So ak boley la gilap bakat dan minat ak dlm bidang masakan ni. Mungkin ak dpt bakat ni drp arwah mak ak. Coz she was a good cook. Disini ak serta kn beberapa pic yg ak smpat snap pas masak...hohoho

 Hope u'll enjoy da pic.....

 Gulai Daging

 Telur Tomato

 Daging Goreng

 Kue Tiaw Goreng

Ayam Gulai

Monday, November 22, 2010

tAg fR0m CiK eN0n LaLaLa

1. Apa benda yang paling penting dalam hidup korang?
Diri sendiri dan keluarga

2. Benda yang terakhir korang beli menggunakan duit korang sendiri?
Air twister

3. Dimana tempat korang ingin melangsungkan perkahwinan korang dan tema perkahwinan korang nanti?
Di suatu tempat dgn tema perkahwinan dalam taman

4. Adakah korang sedang bercinta sekarang? 

5. Berapa lama korang akan mencintai kekasih korang?
Takdir yang menentukan segalanya

6. Dimana korang selalu berjumpa dengan kekasih korang?
Tak berkaitan

7. Novel / buku / majalah yang terakhir korang beli?
Buku managerial economic

8. Apakah nama penuh korang?
Wan Humran Bin Wan Hussain

9. Antara mak dan ayah korang, yang mana korang lebih mesra?
Ayah sbb mak dah xde

10. Namakan orang yang korang betul-betul nak jumpa dalam hidup korang?
*Muhammad saw.
*Org terkaya didunia (Carlos Slim Helu  2010)
*Arwah bondaku

11. Adakah korang basuh baju korang sendiri?

12. Dimanakah tempat yang korang betul-betul nak pergi?
Makkah dan tempat yg ada 4 musim

13. Pilih salah satu, peluk atau cium?

14. Beritahu 3 benda tentang orang yang tag korang
Enon lalalala:
- Klakar orgnyer
- Classmate at Uni
-Nmpk ganas dluar tp hatinya Lembut......hohoho

15. 5 benda yang korang sangat-sangat sayang dalam hidup korang?
-Keluarga & Diri sendiri
-Rumahku Syurgaku
-Brg2 milikku
-Tuhanku, Agamaku dan Negaraku

16. 5 lagu yang paling korang suka dan selalu dengar?
- For the rest of my life by Maher Zain
- Never say never by Justin Bieber
- Suara by Hijau Daun
- Just the way you are by Bruno Mars
- Lagu yg selalu dgr & nyanyi mase karok =)

17. Bila tarikh lahir korang dan kat mana korang sambut tahun lepas?
15 May 1988 & x smbut birthday tahun lepas.....

18. 5 orang blogger yang korang nk tag

Saturday, November 20, 2010


hype..da lame ak x update blog nih..xtau nk citer ape..kebetulan plak ni kn raye korban..xder apa yg menarik berlaku..ak just nk kongsi 1 pengalaman bru yg ak dpt time raye nih...ak nih jenis yg minat & rajin  memasak..uhuhu...susahkn nk jmpe lelaki yg ske memasak melainkan die adalah seorg pelajar dlm bidang masakan dan tukang masak...

ak nih jenis yg suke mencuba...dan apa yg ak cuba kali ni adalah bagaimana nk membuat bebola daging (meatball)...ak tringat ari2 ak & ahli2 rombongan melawat ikea untuk merasa keenakan meatball nyer...
so ak gunala kepandaian ak & kekretifan ak mencipta meatball buatan ak sndiri...
mula2 ak ingat susah la nk bwt meatball nih kn...rpe-rpenyer senang jer kot...bhan utamanya dh tentulah daging...

ak xder mslah la nk mncari daging kerana 1/3 drpada isi peti umah ak ialah daging korban yg org bg...ahaha..
ak pon apa lg mulakan lah eksperimen membuat meatball...daging tu ak potong n cincang sampai hancur...
after that ak perapkan dye ngan sos khas yg ak amik dr akak ak..sos tu akak ak amik kt dapur istana...hahahaha...sos ni ala2 sos yg dgunakan tuk buat piza kt pizzahut...seriously same rase dye..ntah2 memg sos yg sme kowt..then pas perap 4-5 jam, ak pon buatla bntuk bulat2..n lastly msk la dlam oven lebey kurang 15-20 minit...then boley la dimakan...

ni la kali pertama ak wat meatball...rse dye xla sesedap meatball kt ikea...meatball ni ak mkn ngan chili sos jer coz ak xtau cner nk bwt sos tuk meatball cam kt ikea tu...k la tu jer yg ak nk criter tuk entry ni...ak sertakan skali pic meatball yg ak bwt td....heeeee

cne, nmpk bes x???

Thursday, November 11, 2010


hype, selamat malam. tggal 2 ari lg sblum ak nye ari terkhir exam. xtvt ak arini adalah mghadiri seminar sal issue  policy in economic yg dianjurkan oleh fakulti bisnes merangkap lecturer2 bisnes economy bg memudahkn pelajar2 yg akn buat thesis sem depan. ia adalah presentation by our senior about their project paper. bgus la dorg wt cm ni, walaupon yg present hanyalah 8 org tp output yg ktorg dpt sgt bgus. skang sikit sbnyak ktorg da tau cne nk wt projek paper. walaupun hanyalah skadar view jer tp ktorg tau apa yg perlu d prepare for nex sem. time seminar td sempt la ak snap pic sket tuk dmsukkan lam blog neh. ni la pic2 my beloved frenz.

haaaaaa.....kmbali kpd topic asal yg ak nk sntuh malam ni ialah sikap malas yg sukar d bendung time2 exam nih. xtau la nk wt cner. ak nyer last day exam 14 aribuln ni which is lg 2 ari. da la exam tu 2 paper. pagi dan petang kot. n dua2 paper nih adalah theori sepenuh masa...huuhuhu..ak da la lmbab sket lau bab2 theori ni. ak buntu memikirkannya.....
malas nih dah jadi makin sebati dalam kehidupan kite. kdg2 malas menguasai dri kter shingga prkara snang pon mnjadi susah.
malas merupakan musuh no 1 kter. ble da malas smua bnda yg kte buat xkn jd.uhu dalam mencari jwpn kpd kebuntuan ak ni, ak terbace la 1 tip motivasi yang diposted kn oleh Irfan Khairi (jutawan internet). intipatinya adalah seperti berikut:

Malas… bagaimana hendak membenterasnya? Untuk mengetahui cara membenteras penyakit malas, kita perlu faham, mana datangnya sifat “malas” ini.

Malas berpunca dari kita terlalu selesa dengan keadaan semasa kita (zon selesa/comfort zone). Untuk keluar dari zon selesa kita, kita akan rasa berat dan susah. Ini adalah normal bagi semua orang- setiap kali kita nak keluar dari zon selesa kita, secara psychology akan menarikkan kita kembali ke zon selesa.
Berita baiknya adalah, zon selesa manusia berubah-ubah. Apa yang anda perlu lakukan adalah keluar dari zon selesa tersebut secara sedikit-demi sedikit dan pegang pada keadaan semasa yang baru. Lama kelamaan, zon selesa anda akan mengubah mengikut keadaan semasa anda.

Sebagai contoh, sekiranya anda rajin membaca buku 30 minit sehari sahaja. Lebih dari itu, terasa malas (luar dari zon selesa anda). Anda perlu paksa diri anda keluar dari zon selesa itu secara perlahan… mungkin baca selama 45 minit. Sehingga suatu masa nanti, zon selesa anda akan berada pada tahap 45 minit. Apabila ingin membaca lebih dari itu, terasa malas (luar dari zon selesa baru). Apa yang anda perlu lakukan adalah ulangi langkah sehingga anda mencipta zon selesa baru.

Untuk membenteras sikap malas, anda perlu fahami “zon selesa” anda. Semua orang mempunyai zon selesa tersendiri dan ianya boleh diperbaiki. Bagi diri saya, membaca buku sehingga 4 jam adalah zon selesa saya. Membaca lebih dari 4 jam… terasa malas… ;)

 harap2 dgn tips motivasi ini ak dpt mengawal sikap malas ak dan membentuk zon selesa baru untuk ak mengulang kaji pelajaran.