Friday, December 31, 2010

FaMiLy tRiP....

Actually ak xder idea lansung nk tulis pasal apa. Da agak lama ak xupdate blog nih.
Otak ak bnyk duk pikir sal my project paper for last sem at uitm nih. Mkin dkat nk mula sem bru ak jdi makin gelabah. Bnyak lg yang ak x buat. Da la result ak below my expectation..huh. So sem last nih ak kne berikan tumpuan lebih supaya ak xkantoi paper..

Nih ak nk citer, last week i have a great time with all my family member. Walaupun bg sesetengah org itu adalah perkara biase tp bg ak itulah time plg gembira coz semua org ader. Last week we got a wedding invitation from our old neighbor.uhuhu. Dulu time ak kecik ak duk kt Jengka, so kitorg gi kenduri kawen kt sana. Seingat ak da hampir 5 tahun ak xkesana.

Last skali ak gi time my beloved mom ader lagi.uhu Teringat kt dye sedey plak rase. Da dua tahun dye pergi tggalkan kami sekeluarga. Sekejap jer masa berlalu. Back to my story, mgkin bg korang g kenduri kawen adalah perkara biase. Bg ak pon begitu sebenarnya, tp kali ni luar biase sket coz smua ada. Lau ari raya pon xsemestinya smua ader.uhu. Kitorang stay kt umah my sis nyer mak & bapak angkat merangkap kwn bek my dad & late mom kat bentong.

Seronok gak ramai2 camtu. Dan yg plg besh nyer ak telah dsuruh tuk masak.ahaha. Ak nih da la amatur lam masak memasak nih. Tp ak pantang di suruh, pasti aku akn buat.hehehe ringan tulang la katakan..

Ktorg stay sna 2 ari jer.uhu.Then my family blik trganu & ak follow my sis blik kL coz ak nk berjimba ker Ukm cr bahan tuk my thesis. But b4 smua blik ktorg singgah kt genting jap. Hengatkan nk main gak or sekurang-kurangnyer nek la skyway kannnzzz. Tp apakah daya org ramai giler mengalahkan org kt kenduri arituh.uhu. Apa yg dpt??? Jalan2 & snap2 pic jer..Kat  bwh nih ak ltk pic tuh tp kan xbnyk pon coz bnyk pic ader ngan akak ak..

 danish (my sis son)
 bro anip wit sis ja
 first world hotel
 its krismas tree (pakai botol jer kot)
 aku la
danial (my sis son)

at Pavilion kL

Last pic nih time ak jalan2 window shopping kt Pavilion wit my sis & bro. Sempena YES (year end sales) ni naek mabuk ak tgk sales yg berlambak...hehe.. Tp hanya mampoo melihat coz fulusnyer tadak..But still hepy coz dpt gak 2 helai shirt from my sis. Walaupon penat teman my sis tp berbaloi...heeeee. K la dats all for dis entry.... if i have more stories i'll write it on nex entry.....

Monday, December 13, 2010

dAdiH bKn DaDaH oK!!

Selamat pagi semua, arini ak nk criter tntg dadih. Ak nih peminat setia dadih sjk dr kecik lg. Dulu time skolah rendah ak slalu beli dadih susu kt kantin skolah. Sodap, lebih2 lg lau sedut pkai straw.aha. Seronok jer time skolah dulu. Sekarang ni da mcm2 perisa dadih. Ada perisa coklat, strawberi, jagung, vanila, tembikai susu & mcm2 lg la. Tp ak still suke yg susu tuh, superb. Yang susu tuh susah skit nk jmpe skang. Xsemua kdai da jual, tp lau kt pasar tani or pasar malam confirm ader. Baru2 nih ak menemui cara bagaimana nk memenuhi perutku yg dahagakan dadih...ahahaha. Apalagi ak msk sendirik la dadih tuh. Ak ni kn rajin & reti sikit2 memasak. So ak hentam jer la. Dan bru ak tau rpa2 nya senang jer kot nk wt dadih ni. Bkn susah pown. Lebih2 lg ble bwt pkai acuan yg da siap cme nk letak air jer. Ni ak serta kn gmbr yg ak smpat snap time msk dadih. Sempat lg ak guna kekretifan ak tuk menyusun dadih ni.hehehe. Hope u'll enjoy da pictures.



hAnG oUt.....

da lame xupdate dis blog... sgt mls kebelakangan ini sbb ak sibuk menjadi suri rumah sepenuh masa merangkap penganggor terhormat...ari2 ak buat bnda yg sma...kdg2 boring gak tp nk wt cmne kn...da nseb badan..last week ak da hang out ngan old fren time diploma dlu.. one of them da 2 thun xjmpe...uhuhu..walaupun hang out kjap jer tp ak enjoy..kami sbnarnya stay in the same place which is terengganu but we have no time to see each other oftenly coz smua smbg beljr d tmpat yg ak d perak, ada d kedah, kelantan, selangor n trganu...time cuti jer dpt jmpe... tu pon lau smua org free...ktorg jln2 dsekitar bndr trgnu yg indah permai ni jer....walaupun tnpa khadiran shopping complex coz tgnu memg terkenal ngan bnyk tmpt menarek tuk d lawati picture yg ak snap time ktorg berada d pulau warisan...

 AiR pAsAnG sUrUt
 mR. Din
 mR. y0e
 with mR. bErrY
pAn0RaMa d sEkiTaR PuLaU wAriSaN

p/s lau korang rse cntek dtg la trgnu...bynk tmpat menarek tuk d lawati.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

k0Ta LaMa dUy0nG

This entry I want to tell the story of a place I visit today. This place is located in the village of my father which is Pulau Duyong. This place is called Kota Lama Duyong. Kota Lama Duyong, or the Old Duyong Fort, is a heritage building on Pulau Duyong Kecil, Kuala Terengganu.

Front View

Despite its name which is derived from the high walls surrounding it Kota Lama Duyong is not a fort, but rather a residence. It was built in 1920 by Dato Biji Sura, a senior officer working with the Terengganu state government. Dato Biji Sura was the great grandson of Tok Sheikh Duyong, a Muslim scholar who was born in Champa, in southern Vietnam.

Kota Lama Duyong is a unique heritage structure and one of the best preserved of its kind. It is an amalgamation of various architectural styles. The house comprises one Rumah Bujang Berpemeleh, two Rumah Limas Bungkus, a kitchen area, and a toilet area. You will also find that there are four different types of roofs, and these reflect the four different styles of traditional Malay houses in the East Coast.

The roofs of Kota Lama Duyong are that of Bujang Berpemeleh, Limas Bungkus, Bujang Barat and Potongan Belanda. A Cantonese sculptor from Singapore was hired to work on the masonry, arcades, columns and walls, and the result showcases an outpouring of inspiration.

The choice of material used on Kota Lama Duyong reflects an eclectic mix. They include bronze screws, wooden pegs, timber, masonry and tiles.

There are four entrances, for use by different classes of people. The main entrance is reserved for high-ranking officers. Womenfolk as well as relatives use the back entrance. Neighbours and peddlars use the western side entrance, while village folks use the eastern side entrance.

Western & Eastern entrance
Back entrance
Main entrance

Within the house itself, one can observe how the division of space is marked by split levels, walls, and other forms of demarcations, so that there are defined areas for men, women, private chambers, visitors, and kitchen.

The Rumah Tengah, or Middle House, is the private residence of Dato Biji Sura and his wife and small children. Two female servants sleep in the kitchen area. His married children and other relatives occupy the other parts of the house. Some of the decorative elements of the house reflect family traditions that goes back to Champa.

The ancestors of Dato Biji Sura migrated from Champa to Pattani, in present-day Thailand, some time in the late 18th century. They were ethnic Chinese who converted to Islam. When Malay rule of Pattani came to an end in 1808, many Muslims moved south to Kelantan and Terengganu, including the then six-year-old Tok Sheikh Duyong with his father, a Muslim scholar and teacher.

The family settled on Pulau Duyong Kecil, on the estuary of Sungai Terengganu, where Tok Sheikh Duyong's father provided religious teaching. This was followed by Tok Sheikh Duyong, who became such a famous Muslim scholar, that Pulau Duyong Kecil became a centre of Islamic education, and was known as the "Tongue of Terengganu".

Dato Biji Sura followed in the footsteps of his great grandfather Tok Sheikh Duyong. He was involved in both religious as well as administrative matters, and held three prominent positions: as a member of the Council of Ministers, Commissioner for Religious Affairs, and judge of the Syariah Court. He was married four times and fathered a total of 18 children. He died of fever in 1943 during the fasting month of Ramadhan.

After his death, the house slowly descended into disrepair. Various members of his clan took away portions of it until only the Rumah Bujah Berpemeleh was left. It was already in a dilapidated state when the massive flood of 1986 destroyed what was left of it. In the late 1990's, a committee was formed to restore the building. It received the blessing of Dato Biji Sura's descendants to carry out the job.

What we see today is the result of the reconstruction completed in 1999. The rebuilt structure follows as faithfully as is possible the original building structure.

Here I attach some pictures of the Kota Lama Duyong

 Front view

 Side view


Sitting room

Middle House

Back Room


Back Door

 Rear View